It’s that time again on October 31. It has now been around for 97 years – the official World Savings Day. It is dedicated to the awareness of saving and is intended to remind us to save our money.
How World Savings Day came about
After the First World War, there was a global economic crisis that led to hyperinflation. Hyperinflation means a very sharp increase in prices. The population was not prepared for the price increases and was therefore severely affected. This is because inflation usually eats up the low-interest savings that have been invested in the bank. As a result, confidence in the banks also waned. Saved money was now rarely invested in savings accounts, but rather kept at home. Although a currency reform successfully combated hyperinflation, people lacked the ambition to save. To encourage the population to do so again, the idea of World Savings Day was launched at the first International Savings Banks Congress in October 1924. However, the creation of World Savings Day was not only intended to promote the idea of reinvesting money, it was also intended to provide financial education.
Asset planning should be long-term
The aim of all saving is to preserve wealth, and in the best-case scenario even to increase it. In the past, you simply took your money to the bank and received interest. But since 2008, interest rates on savings accounts have been falling continuously. A positive interest yield is therefore almost no longer possible. The outdated savings book no longer offers any major advantages. Over time, other possible savings investments have therefore emerged, such as shares, precious metals, tangible assets and real estate.
However, saving is at least as important as investing your money. When it comes to your life, car or home insurance, you should seek advice in good time on how you can make optimum savings. After all, insurance, electricity and gas offer more savings potential than you might initially think.
Compare makes sense
It starts with mobile phone providers, continues with the choice of car and ends with the ideal apartment. We compare almost everything. When it comes to insurance, loans, electricity and gas, however, we make less effort and sign contracts without having looked around extensively for alternatives. But not every provider is equally good or equally cheap in every sector. There are often very big differences. Regular comparisons therefore offer enormous savings potential. Comparing insurance, loans and electricity/gas providers is usually not that easy. That’s why we have created our Fixkosten Helferlein and now offer a simple and efficient way to compare providers with the help of the comparison calculator from our partner durchblicker. Regular comparisons can save our community several hundred euros.
Whether it’s real estate financing, loan restructuring, home/car insurance or electricity and gas, there are many different providers. These have different services and prices. Use our little helpers and save money every month together with our community. It’s best to take a look now, compare providers independently and switch to the offer that suits you best. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also continue to enjoy a secure future.
WORLD SAVINGS DAY – SIMPLY SAVE MONEY: Click here for our fixed cost helpers – Save money now within the FINDMYHOME / FINDMYHOME – Premium Living Community: